29 October 2011

wedding gifts

Cat with Tin on Head; Rick Ross; Two Dolla Billz; CATBOY

27 October 2011

workin' @ the Bar

Snug Harbor New Paltz NY

25 October 2011

exposing photo-litho plates

demonstrating photo-lithography for the ARS 765 Printmaking III (Lithography)

exposing photo litho

exposure unit

19 October 2011

Printing a Polyester Plate

A proof for the Lithography class I TA

Polyester Plate

Moulin Douge Printing

you can see more of Doug's Work @http://doug-eberhardt.blogspot.com/

Anthony Tino is a Dick

see more of Anthony's work @ http://yotonyo.blogspot.com/

OG fiver

17 October 2011

Miro Print

At the Nassau County Museum of Contemporary Art

Krista Hannaford is Tired

Sleepy Krista. 

09 October 2011

An American Sunday

Mezzotint Continued

Pretty sure my elbow will fall off soon. Need to make a jig, or just accept the suffering.